Current Projects:
1. Evaluating fall risk with the drug cabinet. Emergency department / fall database. Current team members: Jessica Lopez.

2. Rib fracture care: treatment decisions and outcomes. Trauma / rib fx database. Current team members: Jeremy McConnell, Sam Gayla.

3. Trauma medicine epidemiology. Trauma, emergency department, and surgery databases. Includes kidney patient outcomes. Current team: Alexis King.

4. Concussions in athletes. Neurology database. Current team: Cali VanValkenburg, Ifeoma Agwuenu.

5. Diabetes and exercise. St. Joseph database. Current team: Cynthia Villalobos.

6. Cancer and exercise. St. Joseph database. Current team: Cynthia Villalobos.

7. Effect of obesity on thoracic trauma outcomes. Trauma / rib fx database. Current team members: Lariel Mateo.

8. Sparta force plate and Pacific athletics. Sparta database of Pacific athletes. Current team: Will Lydon, Lena Perry.

9. Proteus: Sport kinematic analysis. Proteus database evaluating the biomechanics of upper body motion. Current team: Will Lydon.

10. Obstetric and gynecological outcomes. OBGYN database. No one is currently assigned to this project. If anyone wants to take it on, there must be serious commitment. I do not currently have the databases; I will obtain them if a PPM member displays real interest in this subject. Your MD collaborator will be Fred Frank: http://salemclinic.org/physicians/obstetrics-and-gynecology/frederick-frank.
11. KinesioTape validation study. Pacific KT database. Cali VanValkenburg, Angela Nuccio.

12. Myalgic encephalomyelitis. ME/CFS database. Current team: Chris and VanNess. There is more room for student involvement in this study. The Mark VanNess is in charge of all ME/CFS data; contact him to get involved.

13. International public health. Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) database. Cynthia Villalobos. Note: there will be at least one external collaborator from UBOS on each project and internal collaborators will be Dr. Bill Herrin (Director of the School of International Studies) and potentially Dr. Michelle Amaral (health economist). Travel to Kampala, Uganda is advised, but not required. If traveling, you'll want to read this: cross-cultural training for Uganda. The Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) database and Uganda's Demographic Health Survey (DHS) database will provide the variables for analysis. Other international DHS databases may be a possibility.

14. Publicly accessible epidemiology databases. If you want to do epidemiological surveillance on publicly accessible databases, I will be your collaborator. Depending on the nature of your data, collaborators may also include Drs. Bill Herrin and Michelle Amaral. You have to identify your own topic, find your own database, and do all of your own background searching (and article acquisition); I will help you conduct your analyses. Potential topics: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) / Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS). Or maybe you want to talk about education trends: www.nsf.gov/statistics/2017/nsf17306/report/about-this-report.cfm. There are a lot of accessible databases to explore. The U.S. Government maintains numerous open databases here: www.data.gov.
15. Law in health and exercise science. If you want to publish in legal issues in HES, Peg Ciccolella will be your collaborator. It's up to you to identify the legal topic.
16. Physical therapy: Neural patient case studies. Current topic: Prader Willi syndrome. DPT collaborator will be April Shelide.

17. Cardiac tracking in field hockey. Pacific field hockey HR database. Current team: Lindsie Rogers.

18. Alcohol: Moderation, Health, and Gateway. Trauma databases

19. Alcohol and human performance. This study will involve A) time-consuming work to gain IRB approval, and B) data collection. Current team: Gianna Maragliano, Maggie Bristow.

20. Oximetry: What influences blood oxygen saturation? This study will involve A) IRB approval, and B) data collection.

21. Normative data on isometric performance. This study will involve A) IRB approval, and B) data collection.

22. Sport epidemiology: Surveillance of professional athletic data. Current team: Nathaniel Holmgren, J.P. Wong.

23. Interpolated twitch assessment. This study will involve A) IRB approval, B) data collection, and C) a novel idea regarding what affects skeletal muscle recruitment.

24. Thermal stress and regulation in trauma care. Trauma databases.

25. HIV/AIDS, exercise, and health outcomes. This is a combination of UBOS data and systematic review.

26. Cholesterol, stress, and mental health. Current team: Francisco Guiao.

-Courtney June 19, 2018