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ACSM 2020. We've had 63 projects accepted for publication and presentation in the last 3 years. The upcoming national ACSM conference is in San Francisco. If you'd like to participate, the deadline for submission is Halloween. Abstracts take a long time to assemble. So the clock is already ticking. A lot louder than you think it is. Check the Abstracts & Posters tab in the navigation menu.
Countdown to submission (October 31 2019):
2020 Conferences:
RRI (Renal Research Institute): Advances in Kidney Disease. 1/21 - 1/24. Los Angeles, CA. Abstract due: 11/17/2019. Abstracts are published in: ?
NKF (National Kidney Foundation): Spring Clinical Meeting. 3/25 - 3/29. New Orleans, LA. Abstract due: ? Abstracts are published in: ? Website: https://www.kidney.org/spring-clinical/future-dates
ISN (International Society of Nephrology): World Congress of Nephrology. 3/26 - 3/30. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Abstract due: 10/14/2019. Abstracts published in KIR (no Impact Factor yet; journal started in May, 2016). Website: https://www.wcn2020.org/abstracts/abstract-submissions
EB (Experimental Biology): Annual meeting. 4/4 - 4/7. San Diego, CA. Abstract due: ? Abstracts published in FASEB (Impact Factor: ~5.5)
ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine): Annual meeting: 5/26 - 5/30. San Francisco, CA. Abstract due: 10/31/2019. Abstracts published in MSSE (Impact Factor: ~4). Website: http://www.acsmannualmeeting.org/
NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association): Annual meeting: July, 2020. Location undisclosed. Abstracts due: late February. Abstracts are published in JSCR (Impact Factor: ~2) but posters themselves are published online (consider implications for follow-up manuscripts).
ASN (American Society for Nephrology): Kidney Week. 10/20 - 10/25. Denver, CO. Abstracts due: late May, 2020. Abstracts are published in JASN (Impact Factor: ~9).
OS (Obesity Society): Obesity Week: 11/2 - 11/6. Atlanta, GA. Abstract due: around April 20. Abstracts are published in: Obesity??? (Impact Factor: ~4). Website: https://www.obesity.org/meetings-education/obesityweek/