PPM Member Phonebook:
Pacific Professors:
Courtney Jensen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Program: Health and Exercise Science
University profile
Office location: Main Gym, Cell Block 209
Office phone: (209) 946-3133
E-Mail: cjensen1@pacific.edu
J. Mark VanNess, Ph.D., Professor
Program: Health and Exercise Science
University profile
Office location: Main Gym, Cell Block 210
Office phone: (209) 946-2717
E-Mail: mvanness@pacific.edu
Peg Ciccolella, Ed.D., J.D., Professor
Program: Health and Exercise Science
University profile
Office location: Main Gym, Cell Block 211
Office phone: (209) 946-2473
E-Mail: mciccolella@pacific.edu
Bill Herrin, Ph.D., Professor
Director, School of International Studies
University profile
Office location: George Wilson Hall, 103
Office phone: (209) 946-2651
E-Mail: bherrin@pacific.edu
Michelle Amaral, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Program: Economics
University profile
Office location: WPC, 221
Office phone: (209) 946-2907
E-Mail: mamaral@pacific.edu
Primary Collaborators:
Alexis King, M.A.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Program: Kinesiology and Community Health
Phone: (209) 418-5312
E-Mail: acking2@illinois.edu
Graduated affiliates:
Haylee Bettencourt, M.A. (Current DO student)
E-Mail: h_bettencourt@u.pacific.edu
Jessica Lopez, M.A. (Current DPT student)
E-Mail: j_lopez9@u.pacific.edu
Lena Perry, M.A.
E-Mail: l_perry2@u.pacific.edu
Cali VanValkenburg, M.A.
E-Mail: c_vanvalkenburg1@u.pacific.edu
Current Graduate Students:
Samson Abernathy, B.A. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: s_abernathy@u.pacific.edu
Will Lydon, B.A. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: w_lydon@u.pacific.edu
Andie Moitoza, B.S. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: a_moitoza@u.pacific.edu
Nguyen Nguyen, B.S. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: n_nguyen55@u.pacific.edu
Emily Roessel, B.A. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: e_roessel@u.pacific.edu
Cynthia Villalobos, B.S. (Current M.A. student)
E-Mail: c_villalobos1@u.pacific.edu
Current undergraduate students:
Marie Acosta, current B.S. student
E-Mail: mariefitspiration@gmail.com
Lexi Amo, current B.S. student
E-Mail: l_ama@u.pacific.edu
Kendall Bietsch, current B.S. student
E-Mail: k_bietsch@u.pacific.edu
Shabnam Behin, current B.S. student
E-Mail: s_behin3@u.pacific.edu
Maggie Bristow, current B.S. student
E-Mail: m_bristow@u.pacific.edu
Nathaniel Holmgren, current B.S. student
E-Mail: n_holmgren@u.pacific.edu
Gianna Maragliano, current B.S. student
E-Mail: g_maragliano@u.pacific.edu
Sarah McDowell, current B.S. student
E-Mail: s_mcdowell@u.pacific.edu
Victoria Mitchell, current B.S. student
E-Mail: v_mitchell3@u.pacific.edu
Saejel Mohan
E-Mail: saejelmohan@gmail.com
Stephanie Ta, current B.S. student
E-Mail: s_ta2@u.pacific.edu
Mel Trujillo, current B.S. student
E-Mail: m_trujillo3@u.pacific.edu
J.P. Wong, current B.S. student
E-Mail: j_wong@u.pacific.edu
List of all member email addresses (copy and paste this in your "to" box to email the whole group):
cjensen1@pacific.edu; mvanness@pacific.edu; mciccolella@pacific.edu; bherrin@pacific.edu; mamaral@pacific.edu; acking2@illinois.edu; h_bettencourt@u.pacific.edu; j_lopez9@u.pacific.edu; l_perry2@u.pacific.edu; c_vanvalkenburg1@u.pacific.edu; s_abernathy@u.pacific.edu; w_lydon@u.pacific.edu; a_moitoza@u.pacific.edu; n_nguyen55@u.pacific.edu; e_roessel@u.pacific.edu; c_villalobos1@u.pacific.edu; mariefitspiration@gmail.com; l_amo@u.pacific.edu; k_bietsch@u.pacific.edu; s_behin3@u.pacific.edu; m_bristow@u.pacific.edu; n_holmgren@u.pacific.edu; g_maragliano@u.pacific.edu; s_mcdowell@u.pacific.edu; v_mitchell3@u.pacific.edu; saejelmohan@gmail.com; s_ta2@u.pacific.edu; m_trujillo3@u.pacific.edu; j_wong@u.pacific.edu
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