Full list of health-related journals where we can submit.
Content (mostly) written by me (Courtney):
HIV and exercise systematic review (July 1, 2013)
Systematic review (June 29, 2013; includes citations)
Comprehensive exam answer (Dieckhaus, full)
Comprehensive exam answer (Dieckhaus, submitted version with grades/comments)
Comprehensive exam answer (Armstrong, submitted version)
Comprehensive exam answer (Pescatello, submitted version)
Extra notes on aerobic exercise and HIV
Extra notes on resistance exercise and HIV
HIV extra notes
HIV Powerpoint presentation (2012); some overlap with 2013, some unique)
HIV Powerpoint presentation (2013); some overlap with 2012, some unique)
Washington DC HIV rates
Tim Walker's UConn thesis on HIV (May 12, 2012)
HIV case study Powerpoint presentation
ACSM GETP9, Chapter 10 (HIV and exercise characterized here)
Case study: draft one
Case study: draft two
Case study: draft three
Case study: draft four
New England ACSM (2010) oral presentation abstract
National ACSM (2011) presentation, MSSE, 43(Suppl 1):550. Full paper on ResearchGate.
Published articles about HIV and exercise, pathophysiology, etc. (1990s through 2012):
Agin (2001) exercise and whey in women with HIV
Authier (2005) muscle involvement in HIV
Barbaro (2002) HIV BP
Bauer (2004) lactate kinetics after submax exercise in people with HIV
Bhasin (1999)
Birk (2002) AE fails to lower triglyceride levels in people with HIV
Bopp (2003) clinical implications of exercise in HIV
Botros (2012) promoting exercise in HIV patients
Chiang (2012)
Colby-Germinario (2004) protease inhibitors and calpain activity
Dao (2011) vitamin d deficiency prevalence
DeLorenzo (2012) treadmill test to assess CVD risk in HIV
Dobs (2003)
Driscoll (2004) Metformin and exercise on cardio indices among people with HIV
Dudgeon (2006)
Dudgeon (2010) exercise session alters hormones and cytokines in men with HIV
Engelson (2006) body comp and metabolic effects of exercise among women with HIV
Fillipas (2010) exercise on metabolic outcomes among people with HIV
Florindo (2007) leisure PA and central fat in HIV patients on HAART
Gelato (2007)
Ghibelli (2003)
Glover (2010)
Grinspoon (1998)
Grinspoon (2003)
Grunfeld (1995)
Inaba (1997) protease inhibitors inhibiting testosterone
Johns (2009)
Jones (2001) short-term exercise improves body comp and hyperlipidemia in HIV
Keren (2006) p38 MAPK signaling - physiological regulation of skeletal muscle - (not directly about HIV)
Klatt (2012)
Kong (2002)
Kook (2008) p38 MAPK signaling - physiological regulation of skeletal muscle - (not directly about HIV)
Lox 1996 AE and RE improve cardio fitness, strength, and body comp
Maagaard (2009)
Malita (2005) different types of exercise on body comp/fat distribution in HIV patients
Montano (2007)
Mutimura (2008)
O'Brien (2004)
O'Brien (2009) Cochrane Library on RE for HIV
O'Brien (2010) Cochrane Library on AE for HIV
Ogalha (2011) regular PA on QOL and metabolic parameters in people with HIV
Perna (1999) cardiopulmonary and CD4 cell changes in response to exercise
Rizza (2008) protease inhibitors impact on apoptosis
Robinson-Papp (2009) neuromuscular diseases with HIV
Robinson (2007) vigorous AE and RE on HIV metabolic abnormalities
Scevola (2003) effect of exercise and strength training
Schuelter-Trevisol (2012)
how much PA do people with HIV get?
Scruggs (2008) Zidovudine on mitochondria
Segatto (2011) PA trends in lipodystrophy among people with HIV
Soares (2011)
RE on morphology and biochemical markers in people with HIV
Spierer (2007) exercise improves cardio and autonomic profiles in HIV
Strawford (1999)
Terry (2006) lipodystrophy and exercise in HIV
Thibault (2011)
Woerdeman (2011)
Yahiaoui (2012)
developing exercise recommendations for older HIV patients
Yarasheski (2001) exercise for metabolic complications in HIV
Yarasheski (2001) RE reduces hypertriglyceridemia in men with HIV
Yarasheski (2011) exercise and insulin sensitivity in HIV
...It's your job to get articles from 2013 (perhaps late 2012) until today.
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