Full list of health-related journals where we can submit.

Baskar (2017) Cancer and radiation

Brown (2012) Cancer, depression, and exercise

Brown (2013) Cancer, physical activity, and exercise

Brown (2014) Cancer and walking

Brown (2014) Cancer prescription and proscription

Brown (2014) Physical function in cancer survivors

Brown (2015) Weightlifting and cancer

Brown (2016) Obesity and cancer

Brown (2017) Dose-response aerobics on cancer

Brown (2017) Cancer, exercise, and insulin

Brown (2017) Cancer and exercise summary

Brown (2018) Aerobic exercise on QOL in cancer survivors

Connell (2009) History and advances in radiation therapy

Courneya (2014) Exercise adherence in cancer survivors

Ligibel (2014) Obesity and cancer

Ligibel (2015) Obesity and cancer

Lin (2014) QOL and cancer

Thraen-Borowski (2017) Cancer and physical activity behaviors