Target journals (our publication destinations)

Full list of health-related journals.

Our lab's abstracts:

Sparta Testing and Vertical Jump Co-Predict Fastball Speed in Collegiate Pitchers

Hit Or Miss: Kinematic Predictors Of In-game Performance In Collegiate Pitching

A sample of other studies relevant to Pacific Athletics outcomes:

Campbell (2010) Lower body strength in baseball pitchers

Fry (2017) Vertical jump ground reaction forces related to NCAA men's basketball performance

Laffaye (2013) Eccentric rate of force development determines jump performance

Laffaye (2014) Countermovement jump height: Gender and sport specific differences in force-time variables

Mayberry (2017) Association between elbow injury risk and counter movement jump performance in baseball pitchers

Mayberry (2017) Different strength movements on force plate ground reaction data during vertical jump

McNally (2015) Ground reaction forces for baseball pitchers

Nabali (2015) Familiarization and competitive level on reliability of countermovement vertical jump