Full list of health-related journals where we can submit.

The Uganda National Panel Survey (UNPS) is four years of data collected and compiled by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). It's part of the World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study. They followed the same households in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013. The .zip database files below contain Stata databases. The .zip questionnaire files contain all questionnaires in PDF format.

2009 UNPS Database (Stata) and 2009 UNPS Questionnaires.

2010 UNPS Database (Stata) and 2010 UNPS Questionnaires.

2011 UNPS Database (Stata) and 2011 UNPS Questionnaires.

2013 UNPS Database (Stata) or 2013 UNPS Database (CSV) and 2013 UNPS Questionnaires.

List of potential journals to submit to.

Potential research questions to pursue with UBOS data.