SUBJECT: Applying for undergraduate research funding
Each year, the HES faculty bring a lot of students to ACSM. We're a modest department in our size and our resources, but we're one of the most represented programs in America at ACSM. Bringing as many students as we do costs a fortune. At least one fortune. Realistically, it's like three fortunes. And remember: we're a modest department in size and resources. So we encounter difficulties in our attempt to reduce student expenses. While we try to contribute to travel costs, we need you (students) to help us. The more you help us, the more likely it is that we can help you.
All undergraduate students who plan on attending: You must fill out the Undergraduate Research Travel Application form and bring a hard copy to your faculty advisor as early in the research process as you can. The sooner you get your forms in, the better odds you have of getting funding.
At the top (Student Information), fill out your personal details.
In the second box (Faculty Mentor Information), put the senior (last) author of your project. For most of you, that will be me:
Health, Exercise, and Sport Sciences
209 946 3133
In the third box (Conference Information), the sponsoring organization is The American College of Sports Medicine, National Conference. List the location, dates, and title of your project.
After the third box, you have to click the IRB information. If September arrives and you haven't done any IRB forms yet, you're way behind. Like dangerously behind. Get on it seriously ASAP. If you're on my hospital databases, you don't need to do the IRB. It's already done. If you're on anything else, you need to do it. ASAP. IRB instructions are in the "information" tab. Work together to do this. Your faculty advisors don't have time to do your IRB forms for you (neither can they do your homework, your cooking, and your laundry).
In the fourth box, it's estimations of funding. Just come up with reasonable values that total the maximum allowable funding.
I trust you can all figure this stuff out. It’s not that complicated and you're not brain damaged children.
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